
Aug 12, 2011

Outlaw Midwives zines (2010/11)

Outlaw Midwives zines are available to read online:
Outlaw Midwives Vol. 1
Outlaw Midwives Vol. 2

Edited and put together by Mai’a, the Outlaw Midwives zines are a compilation of writings related to pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, and raising children, specifically as relevant to marginalized mothers, such as women of color, trans* mothers, and poor women, by midwives and other birth/reproductive justice advocates. The concept is as follows:
We envision anti-violence safer communities where mothers and children heal from reproductive violence, because it is when we are whole and confident in our own leadership, are we able to co-create healthy communities.
Communities in which loyalty to a mother’s choice is 99 percent of being a midwife and in which we define ‘motherhood’ as love by any means necessary.
Communities in which we care for ourselves developing spiritual and physical awareness so that we can hold the space, the energy, the vision for folks to make decisions that center freedom, community and revolutionary love.
We must mother ourselves. Hold ourselves the way that we hold our children. And know that our wisdom is stronger and more knowledgeable and relevant than outside expertise. We must live the lives that are given to us. And trust others to do the same. For the sake of our survival. For the sake of our ancestresses. For the sake of our communities. For the sake of love. (via the Outlaw Midwives website by Mai’a aka GuerrillaMamaMedicine/MaiaMedicine)

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