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Nov 8, 2011

On Anarchism: An Interview with Judith Butler (2011)


Pre-proof version. For final version, see J. Heckert and R. Cleminson (eds.) Anarchism & Sexuality: Ethics, Relationships and Power. London/New York: Routledge
Exploring questions of race, sexuality and the law, this is Judith Butler's first interview discussing her affinities with anarchism. She resists the temptation to draw a clear line between being inside or outside of the state, for or against the law. Rather, she points to the fragility of any given legal code were regime and its possibility subversion or even dissolution in favour of popular sovereignty. Linking Anarchists Against the Wall, Benjamin, Althusser and the Zapatista encuentros with everyday questions of dignity and survival, this interview demonstrates the possibility and value of queering the border between activist and scholar.

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