
Feb 22, 2012

Building an Abolitionist Trans and Queer Movement with Everything We've Got (2011)

Building an Abolitionist Trans and Queer Movement with Everything We’ve Got by Morgan Bassichis, Alexander Lee, Dean Spade

Published in Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex
Edited by Nat Smith & Eric A. Stanley
buy the book, it fucking rocks!!! available at or at your local radical bookshop

zine produced by queer pirates. we claim no credit but think that this needs to be read by more people than we can convince to buy the book. if you read this and appreciate it, please support the authors & editors & publisher by buying the book, or consider donating to the Sylvia Rivera Law Project:
NOTE: due to file attachment size limits, we've split both attachments into 2 pieces. 
for reading on the computer, or single-sided printing, download
• abolition-final-read-part1.pdf = 4.6MB, and
• abolition-final-read-part2.pdf = 4.7MB
for 2-sided booklet-style printing, download
• abolition-final-imposed-part1.pdf = 5.3MB, and
• abolition-final-imposed-part2.pdf = 5.7MB
abolition-final-read-part1.pdf4.43 MB
abolition-final-read-part2.pdf4.52 MB
abolition-final-imposed-part1.pdf5.1 MB
abolition-final-imposed-part2.pdf5.39 MB

1 comment:

  1. there seems to be something wrong with the 2nd file of the booklet printable option. after printing the two parts they don't line up properly to make a zine..
