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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lucy Parsons: A Thousand Rioters (zine)

LucyParsons_1000Rioters.pdf382.85 KB

“Of all the modern delusions, the ballot has certainly been the greatest. The fact is money and not votes is what rules the people.” -Lucy Parsons
Lucy Parsons political life spans over 60 years within the Anarchist and Labor movements. Her writing and oratorical skills had so much influence, that a Chicago police officer called her “More dangerous than a thousand rioters.” Despite this influence, she has often been overlooked, even by Emma Goldman, often within the shadow of her white husband Albert Parsons. This booklet contains six of her texts:
- The Principles of Anarchism
- Are Class Interests Identical
- A Stroll Through the Streets of Chicago
- Crime and Criminals
- The Ballot Humbug
- To Tramps

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