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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This document is Queer As Fuck (2009)

We are a collective of people with diverse backgrounds, ages, identities and a variety of progressive political outlooks. We are committed to creating a welcoming space for social action with a solid foundation of respect and compassion.
We want a free world based on equality, learning and healthy relationships. We believe in each person’s right to free expression of gender, sexuality and beyond, based on the desires of the consenting individual, not by other peoples’ definitions and prejudices.
We oppose the violence and discrimination in our communities, living spaces, workplaces and schools against anyone regardless of their sexuality, ability, gender, ethnicity, race, spirituality or national origin. We will NOT tolerate any effort to terrorize us into submission here in Connecticut, elsewhere in the United States, and around the world-we are here, there, queer and everywhere.
We seek to build grassroots power to directly confront injustice and inequality. We work to create new liberating cultures based on the value of difference, free of domination and ignorance. We oppose self-serving elitist organizations (including LGBT) claiming to speak for everyone and setting the agenda for all. Fuck those assholes!
We defend all people against injustice in all its forms, be it military occupation, police brutality, violent bigotry or corporate tyranny. We take sides. We fight for concrete improvements in the quality of life for all poor, working and oppressed people, winning demands from the ruling class. We want Queer Revolution for a better tomorrow.
Like this document, we are all constantly changing; take nothing for granted. We are definitely not normal, we do not seek to be, and we aim to abolish the whole idea of normal.
We are queermos, trans people, dykes, fags, bi, boydyke, faygeleh, trannie, gender fuck, boychick, two spirit, andro, genderqueer, feminists, womyn, lesbians, gays, butch, femmes, bdsm perverts, sex workers, bearded ladies, ladyboys, bois, riot grrls, radicals, people living with aids, sluts, bears, cubs, drag performers, tops, bottoms, middles, burlesque all-stars, veganas everywhere, genderqueers, genderfuckers, sluts, poly people, radical cheerleaders, tranarchists, Anarcha-Queers, trannies, fairies, perverts, sex-worker, sex-radicals, pink and black blocers, sex workers, nerds, sluts, artists, organizers, bi boys, ze’s per’s xe’s and they’s, dykes, fabulous femmes, crusty punks, tranny-fags, boi-dykes, riot grrls, gender fuckers, sluts. Help us grow this list.


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