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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To Destroy Sexuality by Guy Hocquenghem zine

destroysexuality.pdf677.86 KB

"We're not concerned with simply breaking down this official sexuality as one would break down the conditions of one's imprisonment within any structure; we want to destroy it, to get rid of it because in the final analysis it functions as an infinitely repeating castration machine designed to reproduce everywhere and in everyone the unquestioning obedience of a slave."
Filth and Glitter is back at it again this time transcribing and formatting a shiny new zine from one of the founding parents of queer theory Guy Hocquenghem. Don't keep it on the dl you need to download, read, enjoy, proliferate, and stay tuned for the next episode "The ______ and their _______ between __________ "

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