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Mar 14, 2012

The Myth of Overpopulation: A collection of articles about attempts to control the bodies and fertility of third world women (1998)

The Myth of Overpopulation: A collection of articles about attempts to control the bodies and fertility of third world women edited by Barricade Books.
Published by Barricade Books
38 pages – English
First published in 1998
New shift in depopulation strategy by Farida Akhter
Family planning: population control in drag by David Morrison
UBINIG: Declaration of the People’s Perspectives on “Population” Symposium ed. Diane Bell and Renate Klein.
People or population: Towards a new ecology of reproduction by Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva
Racism, birth control and reproduction (excerpt) by Angela Davis
Politic of ‘population’ as a number and ‘ecology’ as the crisis of the natural system (excerpt) by Farida Akhter.
Print copy 150dpi first-last landscape layout, 32.6MB.
Reading copy  150dpi, sequential portrait layout, 31.1MB.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i don't manage to download file. It's normal or not ?
    Thanks :)
