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Friday, September 3, 2010

Erinyen #2 zine (2008)

Second issue of the anarcha-feminist journal Erinyen.
- Hallowed be Thy name - religion, state and abortion rights
- Gender heteropatriarchy? Or whats the underlying cause
- Sexualized violence against women in war and conflict
-(th)inspiration - pro-anorexia internet sides
- Thoughts about community support around intimate violence
- First Gay Pride parade in Bulgaria
- Tittle - tattle or gossip and rumour
- Images in my mind
- This ain´t a love story! The scene is just a bad joke
- Your silence will not protect you - autonomy takes responsibility
- The reasons to start a project called Feminisms
- Some thoughts on our struggle against gender roles
- Body and soul - forced sterilization of Roma women
- Vaginas fight back
- Striking hand - pressure points for self defense
Erinyen #2
erinyen 2.pdf1.97 MB

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