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About this site

I think of this as an archive of nearly all written/online pieces on anarcha-feminism and lots of radical pieces on other related topics that are marginalized because of their relationship to gender (adding news items to this blog would compound my work load, although i haven't ruled it out).  Not all anarchist feminists agree on various subjects such as sex work, gender, what justice means, etc.  I try to include most of it without letting my bias interfere. You will therefore find contradictory opinions, some which you may not like.  It was hard to determine what should or shouldn't be included.  It is useful in many ways to have access to unpopular opinions even just for study, although of course it will seem that the content on this page is representative of anarcha-feminism, even if it is not.  (See the page on anarcha-feminism for more discussion).

Although I collect a variety of opinions, you may notice a bias regarding perspective on the gender/sex dichotomy.  Because "no authority but oneself" should determine how people define their gender, or how we even understand what the categories of sex mean, but also because it may be that seeing these categories differently is the key to gender/sexual liberation, are a couple reasons for an emphasis on writings on these subjects.  Despite a lack of consensus among anarcha-feminists, the debate on identity politics is being taken up by more and more anarcha-feminists and anarchist queers in the interest of undermining concepts of identity that perpetuate oppression, yet not by continuing to marginalize specific oppressions as well as intersectionalities.  I am launching this site on Trans Remembrance Day in particular to stand in solidarity with everyone affected by gender oppression, because that is anarcha-feminism to me.

The description from the old page: The Library is an Anarcha-Feminist and Gender Anarchy resource page as part of the larger project and is intended to provide you all with a source of important contemporary (and older) anarcha-feminist documents...
The history of this site: As an attempt to fill a void, the sallydarity anarcha-feminism and gender anarchy resource page was created in early 2003. It included all the links pertaining to anarcha-feminism that one could find in a matter of hours, and grew over the last few years to include hundreds of links to articles and webpages that relate to gender issues from a radical/anarchist perspective or are of interest to anarcha-feminists. It includes links to the text of popular pamphlets like "Witches, Midwives, and Nurses," and "Quiet Rumours" to gender-related articles from anarchist favorite "slingshot" newspaper, to over twenty articles addressing sexism within the anarchist movement, to five radical critiques of gay marriage, even two articles from a green anarchist perspective. An attempt was made at pulling together contemporary radical/anarchist text on highly talked about issues like inclusiveness, gender self-determination, consent, safety, sexual liberation, and radical parenting with issues that have been discussed at length through feminist history like violence against women.

We are seeking participation from other anarcha-feminists for this whole site.
It'd be especially great if someone could do some translating. Pick your favorite articles and translate them!

About the editor (me).

The following are most of the pieces I've written on gender/feminism:

Anarcha-Feminism and the Newer Woman Question (2012) published in Quiet Rumours, AK Press

When Feminism is Revolting: Initial Thoughts on Abolition of Gender (2012)

Gender Sabotage (2012) published in Queering Anarchism, AK Press

"Invasion by Birth Canal? The fourteenth amendment and its opponents’ motivations" (2010)