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video: Anarcha-Feminist Cell- Mexico
video: Anarcha-Feminists- Bolivia
Andrea Smith: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide
Genderqueer Vs. Transgender: A Fake Binary
video: We Aim to Please Experimental film by Australian feminist group AS IF (Anarchy Surrealist Insurrectionary Feminists), looking at issues of female sexuality, the representation of women's bodies for the male gaze and the ways in which this can be challenged. (1976)
Class, Feminism and Revolution Edited extracts from the Class, Feminism and Revolution recorded at this years Dublin anarchist bookfair. The meeting was organised by RAG (Revolutionary Anarcha-Feminist Group) and was based around a written text Anarcha-Feminism Radio Focus on histories and present formations of the intersection of anarchism and feminism, interview with Kate of the oral history project. Four segments, one half-hour each
Silvia Federici audio
Silvia Federici audio/video

The F-Files radio show various topics, interviews
Sunny and Lani tear up the Bay Area with their anarcha-feminist radio show LOST
Zicka wakes up Cleveland with her a-fem radio show LOST
Anarcha-Feminism Radio Focus on histories and present formations of the intersection of anarchism and feminism, interview with Kate of the oral history project. Four segments, one half-hour each

Beyond Gallery Walls And Dead White Men: Anarcha-Feminism In Action- interviews with anarcha-feminists,, based out of the bay area
AOTEAROA Dissident Voice March 2005
After the Fall, Anarcha-Feminist Issue
Queer Zine Archive Project
Green Zine
LET IT BE KNOWN -- experiences of womyn activists
The Mother Earth Project
Jamie is collecting and archiving the original Mother Earth newspaper printed and edited by Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman in the early 1900. Write her at freemind at riseup dot net
Lilith (Dutch zine)  13 | 14 | 16 | 18
Hothead Paisan

Doris zine distro
Lunaria Press
Petroleuse Press
CS Distro Carries various zines including Doris, Hot Pants, Tenacious: Writings from Women in Prison, zines on alternative parenting, and lots more
Microcosm Publishing
cherrybomb comics sells "herbal abortion" pamphlet and "hot pants" zine, and has several articles on their site
see also Queer Zine Archive Project

"Born in Flames" movie review by sallydarity
Reviews of Quiet Rumours (google search)
Can’t see the wood for the trees? by William Bowles
Caliban and the Witch, Women the Body and Primitive Accumulation
(Sylvia Federici, Autonomedia 2004)
reviewed by Karl Kersplebedeb
Sketchy Thoughts: Feminist Economics 101: The first half of Marilyn Waring's Counting for Nothing

Woman of Color (brownfemipower) Blog
Radical Women of Color Carnival Blog
anarcha adventures (anna aniston's blog)
Sketchy Thoughts
Alas, A Blog

Interviews with anarcha-feminist zinesters and others:
Interview about the launch of Dublin based Revolutionary Anarcho-Feminist Group who have just launched a magazine
Clit Rocket: Queer revolution! An interview with Veruska Outlaw from Rome, Italy
The Future Generation: a zine for subculture parents, kids, friends, and others: An interview with China Martens
Emancypunx: Creating space for women and making different perspectives visible in Poland, An interview with Yen

Recomended Reading Lists:
Anarcha-Feminist Books (see below)
Anarcha-Feminist Bibliography (see below)
Not Dead Yet/Read the Nothing readings
Grrrl, Lady, Queer and Trans Folk Zines
More recommended reading
Literature for Women's Liberation (Kersblebedeb)

Anarchist Feminist Books

As posted by (Mary Heath)

Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Anthology (Dark Star, London, n.d.) Anarcho-Feminists, Chicago "Who We Are: An Anarcho-Feminist Manifesto" in
Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Anthology(Dark Star, London, n.d.)
Anonymous "Anarchism and Feminism" (1979) Everything 8
Brown, L. Susan "Anarchism, Existentialism, Feminism and Ambiguity" (1988) 19 (2) Our Generation 1
Brown, L. Susan "Beyond Feminism: Anarchism and Human Freedom" (1989) 21 (1) Our Generation 201
Brown, L. Susan "Anarchism, Feminism, Liberalism and Individualism" (1993) 24 (1) Our Generation 22
Brown, L Susan "Water on Fire: The Anarcha-Feminist Challenge to "Power Feminism"" (1994) 33 Kick It Over 8
Carter, April The Political Theory of Anarchism (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1971) Carter, A "Direct Action, Law and Anarchism" in Law and Anarchism;
Holterman, Thom and van Maarseveen, Henc, ed. (Black Rose Books, Montreal, 1984) Collective, Zero "Anarchism/Feminism" (1977) Zero
Edan "Tolerating Sexism in the Anarchist Movement" (1994) 33 Kick It Over 4
Ellis, Deb "Women Shut Down Bay Street" (1994) 33 Kick It Over 7
Freeman, Jo "The Tyranny of Structurelessness" in Untying the Knot: Feminism, Anarchism and Organisation(Dark Star/Rebel Press, London, 1984)
Freeman, Jo and Levine, Cathy Untying the Knot: Feminism, Anarchism and Organisation (Dark Star Press/Rebel Press, London, 1984)
Friedland, Lucy and Highleyman, Liz A "The Fine Art of Labeling: The Convergence of Anarchism, Feminism and Bisexuality" in Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out; Hutchins, Loraine and Kaahumanu, Lani, ed. (Alyson Publications, Inc, Boston, 1991)
Goldman, Emma The Traffic in Women and other essays on feminism (Times Change Press, Washington, 1970)
Goldman, Emma Red Emma Speaks: Selected Writings and Speeches (Bookwise Australia, Sydney, 1979)
Guest, Krysti "Feminism and Anarchism: Towards a Politics of Engagement" (1995)
Hallam, Nickie and Pepper, David "Feminism, Anarchism and Ecology: Some Connections" (1990) 3 (1) The Raven 46
Hewitt, Marsha "Emma Goldman: The Case for Anarcho-Feminism" (1985-86) 17 (1) Our Generation 167
Kornegger, Peggy "Anarchism: The Feminist Connection" in Anarchism and Feminism: 3 Essays '75-'80(Brickburner Press, Brisbane, 1981)
Kurin, Kytha, Collective, Zero and Kornegger, Peggy Anarchism and Feminism: 3 Essays '75-'80 (Brickburner Press, Brisbane, 1981)
Laurin-Frenette, Nicole "Quebec and the Theory of the Nation" (1980) 14 (1) Our Generation 29
Laurin-Frenette, Nicole "On the Women's Movement, Anarchism and the State" (1982) 15 (2) Our Generation 27
Rosia, Red and Maria, Black "Blood of the Flower: An Anarchist-Feminist Statement" in Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Anthology(Dark Star, London, n.d.)
Wexler, Alice Ruth "Emma Goldman and Women" (1985-86) 17 (1) Our Generation 151
_anarkafeminism_ Stockholm: Federativ, 1992 (in german)
jody bart _"if i can't dance": the political philosophy of emma g. 1994
susan brown (wrote a bit about @fem) "emma g. on mary wollstonecraft" _feminist studies_ v7n1 1981
sigrid alexandra fry _the anarchist-feminist idea of non-coercion_ 1983
susan deneve hinely _charlotte wilson: anarchist, fabian, and feminist_ 1987
jami meredith hoffman _a "will to splendor": eros, idealism, aesthetics, and the lure of anarcho-feminism" 1993
carolyn m. ittner _a philosophy of anarchist-feminism_ 1989
margaret s. marsh _anarchist women, 1870-1920_ 1981
wendy mcelroy _freedom, feminism, and the state_ 1982
jason wehling _anarchy in interpretation: the life of emma g._ 1994
_gaining ground_ belfast: 1981 (n. ireland newsletter)
_practical anarchy_ "women & anarchy" n6 1993
peter zarrow "He Zhen and anarcha-feminism in china" _the journal of asian studies_ v47 1988
thom e. moody "anarchism and feminism" _soc. phil._ fall/win '90


Ackelsberg, Martha.  Community and Empowerment:  Lessons from Mujeres Libres Cambridge:  Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute, 1984.

____________.  Free Women of Spain:  Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women.  Bloomington:  Indiana University Press, 1991. 

____________.  “The Possibility of Anarchism.”  PhD dissertation.  University of Princeton, 1976.

____________.  “Rethinking Anarchism/Rethinking Power:  A Contemporary Feminist Perspective.”  Reconstructing Political Theory:  Feminist Perspectives.  eds.  Mary Lyndon Shanley and Uma Narayan.  University Park, PA:  The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997.  158-177. 

Addelson, Kathryn Pyne, Martha Ackelsberg, and Shawn Pyne.  “Anarchism and Feminism.”  Feminism and Philosophy:  Essential Readings in Theory, Reinterpretation, and Application.  ed. Nancy Tuana and Rosemarie Tong.  Boulder:  Westview Press, 1995.  330-352. 

“Anarcha-feminism.”  Women’s Press.  January-February 1981, 5-8.

Anarchism and Feminism:  Three Essays ’75-’80.  Brisbane:  Brickburner Press, 1981.

Anarcho-Feminism:  Two Statements from Siren and Black Rose.  London:  Black Bear, 1977.

Ashbaugh, Carolyn.  Lucy Parsons:  American Revolutionary.  Chicago:  Illinois Labor History Society, 1976.

Avrich, Paul.  An American Anarchist:  The Life of Voltairine de Cleyre.  Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 1978.

Bak, Joan.  “Class, Ethnicity, and Gender in Brazil.”  Latin American Research Review.  35.3 (2000):  83-123.

Bart, Jody.  “If I Can’t Dance”:  The Political Philosophy of Emma Goldman.  1994.

Becker, Jennifer L.  Feminism and Anarchism:  An Exploration.  1994.

Berneri, Camillo.  L’Emancipazione della Donna:  (Considerazioni di un anarchio).  Pistoia: Edizioni, 1970.

Berneri, Marie Louise.  “Government and Homicidal Outrage.”  What is Anarchism?  An Introduction.  ed. Donald Rooum.  London:  Freedom Press, 1992.  48-49.

Borden, Lizzie.  “Women and Anarchy.”  Heresies.  2 (May 1977)  71-77.

Brown, L. Susan.  The Politics of Individualism Liberalism, Liberal Feminism and Anarchism.  Ottawa:  National Library of Canada, 1993.

Capetillo, Luisa.  Amor y Anarqu?:  Los Escritos de Luisa Capetillo.  1992.

Davis, Angela.  “Lucy Parsons.”  Women, Race, and Class.  New York:  Vintage Books, 1983.  152-155.

de Cleyre, Voltairine.  “The Case of Woman Versus Orthodoxy.”  Women Without Superstition:  “No Gods – No Masters!”:  The Collected Writings of Women Freethinkers of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.  ed. Annie Laurie Gaylor.  Madison:  Freedom from Religion Foundation, 1997.  364-376.

____________.  Selected Works of Voltairine De Cleyre.  ed. Alexander Berkman,  New York:  Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1914

Drinnon, Richard and Anna Maria, ed.  Nowhere at Home:  Letters from Exile of Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman.  New York:  Schocken Books, 1975.

Ehrlich, Carol.  “Socialism, Anarchism, and Feminism.”  Second Wave.  (Spring/Summer 1997).

Epstein, Barbara.  “The Abalone Alliance:  Anarcha-Feminism and the Politics of Prefigurative Revolution.”  Political Protest and Cultural Revolution:  Nonviolent Direct Action in the 1970s and 1980s.  Berkeley:  University of California Press, 1991.  92-124.

Falk, Candace.  Love, Anarchy, and Emma Goldman.  New Brunswick:  Rutgers University Press, 1990 (1984).

Farrow, Lynne.  Feminism as Anarchism.  London:  Black Bear, 1978.

Ferguson, Kathy E.  “Bureaucracy and Public Life:  The Femininization of the Polity.”  Feminism and Philosophy:  Essential Readings in Theory, Reinterpretation, and Application.  ed. Nancy Tuana and Rosemarie Tong.  Boulder:  Westview Press, 1995.  374-390.

____________.  “Liberalism and Oppression:  Emma Goldman and the Anarchist Feminist Alternative.”  Liberalism and the Modern Polity.  ed. Michael J. Gargas McGrath.  New York:  Marcel Dekker, 1978.

Ferrandino, Marilyn M.  Patriarchy and Biological Necessity:  A Feminist and Anarchist Critique.  1979.

Freeman, Jo.  Untying the Knot:  Feminism, Anarchism, and Organization.  London:  Dark Star Press, 1984.

Fry, Sigrid A.  The Anarchist-Feminist Ideal of Non-Coercion.  undergraduate thesis, Smith College, 1983.

Goldman, Emma.  Anarchism and Other Essays.  London:  Dover Publications, 1969  (1917). 

____________.  Living My Life.  New York:  Dover Publications, 1970 (1924).

____________.  My Further Disillusionment in Russia.  New York:  Doubleday, 1924.

Greenway, Judy.  “Twenty-first Century Sex.”  Twenty-First Century Anarchism:  Unorthodox Ideas for a New Millennium.  ed. Jon Purkis and James Bowen.  London:  Cassell, 1997.  170-180.

Gullickson, Gay L.  Unruly Women of Paris:  Images of the Commune.  Ithaca:  Cornell University Press, 1996.

Hewitt, Marsha.  “Emma Goldman:  The Case for Anarcho-Feminism.”  The Anarchist Papers.  ed. Dimitrios Roussopoulos.  Montreal:  Black Rose Books, 1986.  167-175.

Hinely, S. D.  Charlotte Wilson:  Anarchist, Fabian, and Feminist.  Stanford University dissertation, 1987.

Hoffman, Jami M. A “Will to Splendor”:  Eros, Idealism, and the Lure of Anarcho-Feminism, 1880-1920.  1993.

Ittner, Carolyn.  A Philosophy of Anarchist Feminism.  1989.

Kornegger, Peggy.  “Anarchism:  The Feminist Connection.”  The Second Wave  4.1 (1975): 26-37.

____________, ed.  Quiet Rumours:  An Anarchist Feminist Anthology.  New York:  Revisionist Press, 1984.
Laskar, Pia.  Anarkafeminism.  Stockholm:  Federativ, 1992.

Lowry, Bullitt and Elizabeth Ellington Gunter, ed. and trans.  The Red Virgin:  Memoirs of Louise Michel.  University:  University of Alabama Press, 1981.

Marsh, Margaret S.  Anarchist Women, 1870-1920.  Philadelphia:  Temple University Press, 1981.

Molneux, M.  “No God, No Boss, No Husband:  Anarchist Feminism in Nineteenth Century Argentina.”  Latin American Perspectives  13.1 (1986):  119-145.

Montseny, Federica.  “Feminism and Humanism.”  La Revista Blanca  33 (October 1, 1924) 12-14.

____________.  “The Lack of Idealism in Feminism.”  La Revista Blanca.  13 (December 1, 1923) 3-4.

____________.  “My Individualism.”  La Revista Blanca.  110 (December 15, 1927)  425-427.

____________.  “Tragedy of the Emancipation of Women.”  La Revista Blanca.  38 (December 15, 1924) 18-21.

Morgan, Robin.  The Demon Lover:  On the Sexuality of Terrorism.  New York:  W. W.Norton & Company, 1989.  51-84. 

Patent, Jason D.  Loosing the Bonds:  Anarchism, Marxism, and the Struggle for the Liberation of Chinese Women, 1883-1959.  1990.

Rowbotham, Sheila.  “Anarchism and Rebel Women.”  Women in Movement:  Feminism and Social Action.  New York:  Routledge, 1992.  151-162.

____________.  “Bread and Roses.”  Women, Resistance, and Revolution:  A History of Women and Revolution in the Modern World.  New York:  Vintage Books, 1974.  99-133.

Shaffer, Kirwin.  “Prostitutes, Bad Seeds, and Revolutionary Mothers in Cuban Anarchism:  Imagining Women in the Fiction of Adrian del Valle and Antonio Penichet, 1898-1930.”  Studies in Latin American Popular Culture.  18 (1999):  1-17.

Shulman, Alix Kates.  Red Emma Speaks:  An Emma Goldman Reader.  New York:  Schocken Books, 1972.

Sobstyl, Edrie.  “All the Sisters of Shora:  An Anarcha/Ecofeminist Reading of Slonczewski’s A Door into Ocean.”  Anarchist Studies  7 (1999):  127-153.

Taurumi, E.P.  “Feminism and Anarchism in Japan:  Takemure Itsue 1894-1964.”  Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars  17.2 (1985):  2-19.

Thomas, Edith.  Louise Michel.  Buffalo:  University of Toronto Press, 1981.

____________.The Women Incendiaries.  trans. James and Starr Atkinson.  New York:  George Braziller, 1966 (1963).

Wexler, Alice.  “Emma Goldman and Women.”  The Anarchist Papers.  ed. Dimitrios Roussopoulos.  Montreal:  Black Rose Books, 1986.  151-166.

____________.  Emma Goldman:  An Intimate Life.  London:  Virago, 1984.

____________.  Emma Goldman in Exile:  From the Russian Revolution to the Spanish Civil War.  Boston:  Beacon Press, 1989.

Wilson, Charlotte.  “Anarchism and Homicidal Outrage.”  What is Anarchism?  An Introduction.  ed. Donald Rooum.  London:  Freedom Press, 1992.  41-48.

Zarrow, Peter.  “Women’s Liberation and Anarcho-Feminism.”  Anarchism and Chinese Political Culture.  New York:  Columbia University Press, 1990.  130-155.


LeGuin, Ursula K.  The Dispossessed.  New York:  Avon Books, 1974.

Slonczewski, Joan.  A Door into Ocean.  New York:  Avon Books, 1986.


“Against Patriarchy:  A Step towards the Abolition of Male Privilege.” 

“Anarcha-Feminism.”  Mid-Atlantic Infoshop

“Anarchism and Feminism:  Voltairine de Cleyre.”

“Anarchism and Women’s Liberation.”

Crass, Chris.  “Organizing for Radical Social Change:  Voltairine de Cleyre and Anarcha-Feminism.”

____________.  “Voltairine de Cleyre, the Anarchist Tradition and the Political Challenge.”

Danasamy, Jayacintha.  “Louise Michel.”

“Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley.”  Anarchy Archives

“Goldman, Emma Papers, The.”  University of California, Berkeley.

“Lucy Parsons:  Woman of Will.”

“Lycée Louise Michel.”

“Make Your Own Tea:  Women’s Realm and Other Recipes and Patterns.”

“Manifeste Anarchofeministe.”

Martin Luengo, Josefa, “Feminismo y Anarchismo.”

McLouglin, Conor.  “Free Women of Spain.”

“RiotGrrrlz.”  Anarchy Youth

Ruby, Flick.  “Anarcha-Feminism.”

____________.  “Louise Michel.”

Sauer, Jennifer.  “What We Want:  An Anarcha-Feminist Perspective on Feminism.” Liberated Existence. 

Soukup-Razga, Jana.  “Women's Radio Collectives, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.”

Tov, Molly.  “A Message to “Anarchist” Men, and Then Some.”  Profane Existence.

“What It Is to Be a Girl in an Anarchist Boys Club.”  Alphabet Threat.    

Ackelsberg, Martha A. (1988). "Anarchist Revolution and Women’s Liberation." Society 25.2: 29-37.
- - - (1984). Community and Empowerment: Lessons From Mujeres Libres. Cambridge, MA: Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute, Radcliffe College.
- - - (1987). "Contexts of Revolution: Sex Roles and Anarchist Collectivization in Civil War Spain." Communal Life: An International Perspective. Ed. Yosef Forni, Yaacov Oved, and Idit Paz. Efal, Israel and New Brunswick, N.J.: Yad Tabenkin and Transaction Books. 591-605.
- - - (1990). "Education, Preparation, and the Spanish Revolution." The Modern School Movement: Historical and Personal Notes on the Ferrer Schools in Spain. Croton-on-Hudson, NY: Friends of the Modern School. ??-??.
- - - (1991). Free Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- - - (2000). "Mujeres Libres: Identity, Community, Sexuality and Power." Anarchist Studies 8.2: 99-117.
- - - (1993). "Models of Revolution: Rural Women and Anarchist Collectivisation in Civil War Spain." The Journal of Peasant Studies 20.3: 367-88.
- - - (1984). "Mujeres Libres. Individuality and Community: Organizing Women in the Spanish Civil War." Radical America 19.4: 7-19.
- - - (1992). "Mujeres Libres: The Preservation of Memory under the Politics of Repression in Spain." International Yearbook of Oral History and Life Stories, Vol. I: Memory and Totalitarianism. Ed. Luisa Passserini. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 125-143.
- - - (1997). "Rethinking Anarchism, Rethinking Power: A Contemporary Feminist Perspective." Reconstructing Political Theory: Feminist Perspectives. Ed. Mary Lyndon Shanley and Uma Narayan. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. 158-177.
- - - (1985). "Revolution and Community: Mobilization, Depoliticization and Perceptions of Change in Civil War Spain." Women Living Change. Ed. Susan C. Bourque and Donna Robinson Divine. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 85-115.
- - - (1985). "Separate and Equal? Mujeres Libres and Anarchist Strategy for Women’s Emancipation." Feminist Studies 11.1: 63-83.
- - - (1985). "Sexual Divisions and Anarchist Collectivization in Civil War Spain." Communal Societies 5: 101-121.
- - - (1986). "Women and the Politics of the Popular Front: Political Mobilization or Social Revolution?" International Labour and Working Class History 30: 1-12.
- - - and Irene Diamond (1987). "Gender and Political Life: New Directions in Political Science." Analyzing Gender: A Handbook of Social Science Research. Ed. Beth B. Hess and Myra Marx Ferre. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. 504-525.
- - - and Kathryn Pyne Addelson (1987). "Anarchist Alternatives to Competition." Competition, a Feminist Taboo? Ed. Valerie Miner and Helen E. Longino. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York. 221-233.
- - - , Kathryn Pyne Addelson, and Shawn Pyne (1991). "Anarchism and Feminism." Impure Thoughts: Essays on Philosophy, Feminism and Ethics. Ed. Kathryn Pyne Addelson. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 159-187.
- - - and Myrna Breitbart (1988). "La revolucion social y la colectivizacion." Estelas, Laberintos, Nuevas Sendas: Unamuno, Valle Inclan, Garcia Lorca, La Guerra Civil. Ed. Angel Loureiro. Barcelona: Anthropos. 383-396.
- - - and Myrna Breitbart (1987). "Terrains of Protest: Striking City Women." Our Generation 19.1: 151-175.
Alcalde, Carmen (1976). La mujer en la guerra civil española. Madrid: Editorial Cambio 16.
- - - (1983). Federica Montseny: palabra en rojo y negro. Barcelona: Argos Vergara.
Aldred, Guy (1907). The Religion and Economics of Sex Oppression. London: Bakunin Press.
Andrés Granel, Helena (2006). "Mujeres Libres (1936-1939): Una lectura feminista." Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de la Mujer. Universidad de Zaragoza.
Antignac, A[ntoine]. (1904). "La question féministe." Le Libertaire (May 14): 2.
Ashbaugh, Carolyn (1976). Lucy Parsons: American Revolutionary. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr, 1976.
Asunción Gómez, María (2005). "Feminismo y anarquismo: el papel de mujeres libres en la Guerra Civil española." Literatura y feminismo en España, S. XV-XXI. Ed. Lisa Vollendorf. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial. 267-284
Barrancos, Dora (1996). "Mujeres de Nuestra Tribuna: el difícil oficio de la diferencia." Mora, Revista del Area Interdisciplinaria de Estudios de la Mujer 2: 273-292.
Bellucci, Mabel (1989). Anarquismo y Feminismo: El Movimiento de Mujeres Anarquistas con sus logros y desafíos hacia principios de siglo. Buenos Aires: ??.
Berneri, Camillo (1970). L'Emancipazione della donna: considerazioni di un anarchico. Pistoia: Edizioni RL. <--Originally published by "Fede", Roma, 1926.
Brown, L. Susan (1996). "Beyond Feminism: Anarchism and Human Freedom." Reinventing Anarchy, Again. Ed. Howard J. Ehrlich. Edinburgh, Scotland. 149-155.
Calzetta, Elsa, ed. (2005). Nuestra tribuna: hojita sentir anárquico feminino, 1922-1925. Bahía Blanca: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional del Sur. <--A remarkable anarchist-feminist newspaper of "Ideas, Arte, Crítica y Literatura" from the 1920s reprinted as a large format book, with a substantial introductory essay by the editor.
Capetillo, Luisa (2004). A Nation of Women: An Early Feminist Speaks Out = Mi Opinión Sobre Las Libertades, Derechos Y Deberes De La Mujer. Trans. Félix V. Matos Rodríguez. Houston, TX: Arte Publico Press.
- - - (1992). Amor y anarquía: los escritos de Luisa Capetillo. Ed. Julio Ramos. Río Piedras, P.R.: Ediciones Huracán, 1992.
Chaughi, René [a.k.a. René Gauche] (1910). La femme esclave. Paris: Aux Bureaux des Temps Nouveaux. <--Translated as ''La mujer esclava'' (Barcelona: Biblioteca de "Salud y Fuerza," 1907).
Cleminson, Richard (1998). "Anarchism and Feminism." Women's History Review 7.1: 135-138. <--A response to Sharif Gemie's "Anarchism and Feminism: A Historical Survey" (see below).
de Cleyre, Voltairine (2005). Exquisite Rebel: The Essays of Voltairine De Cleyre: Feminist, Anarchist, Genius. Ed. Sharon Presley and Crispin Sartwell. Albany: State University of New York Press.
- - - (1914). Selected Works of Voltairine De Cleyre. Ed. Alexander Berkman and Hippolyte Havel. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association.
- - - (2004). The Voltairine De Cleyre Reader. Ed. A. J. Brigati. Oakland, CA: AK Press.
Crass, Chris (2007). "How Can I Be Sexist? I'm An Anarchist!" Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex and Power. Ed. Shira Tarrant and Jackson Katz. New York: Routledge. ??-??.
Dalotel, Alain (2004). André Léo (1824-1900): la junon de la Commune. Chauvigny: Association des Publications Chauvinoises.
DeLamotte, Eugenia C. (2004). Gates of Freedom: Voltairine De Cleyre and the Revolution of the Mind: With Selections from Her Writing. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. <--Excellent analyses of de Cleyre's rhetorical and stylistic tactics. Includes not only literary selections found elsewhere but also correspondence.
Domergue, Lucienne (1983). "Le féminisme dans la 'Revista Blanca' 1898-1905: La femme vue par les anarchistes." La femme dans la pensée espagnole: ouvrage collectif. Ed. Equipe de philosophie ibérique et ibéro-américaine. Paris: CNRS. 79-96.
Duchmann, Henri [a.k.a. Henri Duchemin] (1904) "L'erreur féministe." Le Libertaire (Jan. 30): 2. <--Duchmann makes a long string of attacks on Nelly Roussel in particular and feminism in general in the pages of Le Libertaire, Temps Nouveaux, and other anarchist papers of the 1890s and 1900s. See Elinor Accampo, Blessed Motherhood, Bitter Fruit: Nelly Roussel and the Politics of Female Pain in Third Republic France (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006) pp. 65-67 and 260.
- - - (1904). "L'embarras du choix." Le Libertaire (Mar. 19): 3.
- - - (1904). "Encore le travail des femmes." Le Libertaire (Apr. 30): 2.
- - - (1904). "Etudes féministes. Le mariage." Le Libertaire (June 4): 2.
- - - (1904). "Etudes féministes. Le droit des vierges." Le Libertaire (June 17): 2.
- - - (1904). "Etudes féministes. L'Indépendance économique." "Etudes féministes. L'Indépendance économique." Le Libertaire (June 24): 3.
- - - (1904). "La femme et les élections." Le Libertaire (Apr. 23): 2.
- - - (1897). "Féminisme." Les Temps Nouveaux (Dec. 25): 2.
- - - (1897). "Féminisme et Révolution." Les Temps Nouveaux (Jan. 1): 2.
- - - (1904). "La femme et le féminisme." Le Libertaire (Mar. 5): 3.
- - - (1904). "Ne touchez pas à la Reine." Le Libertaire (Apr. 9): ??-??.
- - - (1904). "La politique féministe." Le Libertaire (Mar. 26): 2.
- - - (1904). "La Réaction féministe." Le Libertaire (Mar. 12): ??-??.
- - - (1904). ?? Le Libertaire (Feb. 13): ??-??.
- - - (1904). "Logique féministe." Le Libertaire (Feb. 20): 2.
- - - (1904). "Le travail des femmes." Le Libertaire (Feb. 27): 3.
Ehrlich, Carol (1996). "Socialism, Anarchism, and Feminism." Reinventing Anarchy, Again. Ed. Howard J. Ehrlich. Edinburgh, Scotland. 169-186.
- - - (1981). "The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Can It Be Saved?" Women and Revolution: A Discussion of the Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism. Ed. Lydia Sargent. Boston: South End Press. 109-133.
Ehrlich, Howard J. (1994). "Toward a General Theory of Anarchafeminism." Social Anarchism 19: ??-??.
Espigado Tocino, M. Gloria (2002). "Las mujeres en el anarquismo español (1869-1939)." Ayer 45: 39-72.
Falk, Candace (1984). Love, Anarchy and Emma Goldman. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Farrow, Lynne (1974). ''Feminism As Anarchism''. London: Black Bear.
Febo, Giuliana di (1979). Resistencia y movimiento de mujeres en España 1936-1976. Barcelona: Icaria.
Federn, Etta (1938). Mujeres de las revoluciones. Barcelona: Mujeres Libres.
- - - (1917). Das Bild des Weibes geschaut von Mann und Frau : ein geistiges Kalaidoskop. München: Delphin Verlag.
Ferguson, Kathy E. (1985). Review of Anarchist Women, 1870-1920 by Margaret S. Marsh. Social Anarchism 8/9: 67-68.
- - - (1984) The Feminist Case against Bureaucracy. Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
- - - (2004). "E.G.: Emma Goldman, for Example." in Feminism and the Final Foucault. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Fredericks, Shirley F. (1976). "Federica Montseny and Spanish Anarchist Feminism." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 1.3: 71-80.
Gabriel, Pere (1979). Escrits politics de Federica Montseny. Barcelona: La Gaya Ciencia.
García-Maroto, María Ángeles (1996). La mujer en la prensa anarquista: España 1900-1936. Madrid: Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo.
Gemie, Sharif (1996). "Anarchism and Feminism: A Historical Survey." Women's History Review 5.3: 417-444.
Godet, H. (1904). "Réponse à Duchmann." Le Libertaire (Mar. 5): 2. <--See Duchmann (above) and Roussel (below).
Goldman, Emma (1906). "The Tragedy of Woman's 'Emancipation.'" Mother Earth 1.1: 9-18.
- - - (1914). Marriage and Love. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association.
- - - (1983). Red Emma Speaks: an Emma Goldman Reader. Ed. Alix Kates Shulman. New York: Schocken Books.
- - - (1917). "The Woman Suffrage Chameleon." Mother Earth 12.3: 78-81.
- - - (1925). "Women of the Russian Revolution." Time and Tide 6.??: 452.
- - - (1932). Voltairine De Cleyre. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Oriole Press.
- - - (1970). The Traffic in Women and Other Essays on Feminism. Ed. Alix Kates Shulman. NY: Times Change Press.
González Pérez, Teresa (2004). "Una apuesta por la educación de las mujeres o el discurso alternativo del anarquismo español." Historia Caribe 9: 113-128.
Grandidier, L[ouis]. (1899). "Sur l'infériorité de la femme." Le Libertaire (Sept. 17): 1.
Greenway, Judy. (2008). "Desire, delight, regret: discovering Elizabeth Gibson", Qualitative Research: 8, pp 317-324. ->Uses anarchist methodology to discuss the process of researching a previously unknown relative: poet and feminist Elizabeth Gibson.
- - - (2003). "'Together We will make a New World’: Sexual and Political Utopianism", presented at Past and Present of Radical Sexual Politics, Socialism and Sexuality seminar, Amsterdam, October 3-4, 2003 (conference paper). Online: ->Discusses changing concepts of free love and sexual liberation among anarchists and libertarians in England from the 1880s to the 1970s.
- - - (2002). "No Place For Women? Anti-utopianism and the Utopian Politics of the 1890s", Geografisker Annaler 84 B, 3-4:31-39. Online: ->Discusses women’s fictional and non-fiction accounts of utopian experiments in 1890s England, and how these become stories which reinforce anti-utopian narratives.
- - - (2000). "Impossible Outlaws: Gender, Space and Utopia in ‘Johnny Guitar’", Altitude, Vol.1 No.2, December 2000: online journal. -->Joan Crawford meets utopian theory in the outlaw territory of the Temporary Autonomous Zone, in this discussion of the film ‘Johnny Guitar’.
- - - (1997). "Twenty-first Century Sex", in Twenty-first Century Anarchism: Unorthodox Ideas for a New Millennium, edited by Jon Purkis and James Bowen, Cassell: London, pp.170-180. Online: ->Do new technologies and new theories of sex, gender, and the body pose a real challenge to existing power relationships?
- - - (1993). "Sex, Politics and Housework". In Chris Coates, Jonathan How, Lee Jones, William Morris, and Andy Wood, (eds), Diggers and Dreamers 94/95: The Guide to Communal Living. Communes Network: Winslow, Buckinghamshire, pp. 39-45. Online: ->Problems and tensions between men and women in utopian communities are nothing new, especially when it comes to sharing the housework.
- - - (1975). Questioning our desires, Wildcat No.6, March 1975, p.5. Online: ->Discussing sexuality in the early days of the Women’s Liberation Movement.]
Guilbert, Madeleine (1966). Les Femmes et l'organisation syndicale avant 1914, présentation et commentaires de documents pour une étude du syndicalisme féminin. Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
Greene, Patricia V. (1996). "Memoria y militancia: Federica Montseny." Duoda: Reviste d’Estudis Feministes/Revista de Estudios Feministas 10: 59-71.
- - - (1997). "Chronicle of an Anarchist-Feminist Genealogy: Federica Montseny's Mis primeros cuarenta años." Letras Peninsulares 10.2: 333-54.
- - - (1998). "Testimonio visual: iconografía femenina en los carteles de la guerra civil española." Letras Peninsulares 11.1: 121-43.
- - - (1999). "Utopías y utopistas en la España finisecular." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 33.2: 325-36.
Guzzo, Cristina (2004). "Luisa Capetillo y Salvadora Medina Onrubia de Botana: dos iconos anarquistas. Una comparación." Alpha: revista de artes, letras y filosofía 20: 165-180.
Heathcott, Joseph (1997). Review of Stopping Rape: A Challenge for Men by Rus Ervin Funk. Social Anarchism 23: 51-57.
Hutchison, Elizabeth Q[uay]. (2001). "From 'La Mujer Esclava' to 'La Mujer Limon': Anarchism and the Politics of Sexuality in Early-Twentieth-Century Chile." Hispanic American Historical Review 81.3-4: 519-553. <--Abstract: "Analysis of the inversion of the anarchist feminine rhetoric in the 1920s. After a great hope in women’s immediate emancipation the movement turned toward criticizing women for their passivity and the declining participation of males in anarchist groups. Focusing on themes such as women, victimizaton and revolution, the author examines the influence of anarchist feminist periodicals in reshaping the Left’s discourse. However, international and domestic factors combined in the postwar period to fragment their organization and dampen their enthusiasm."
Kaplan, Temma E. (1977). Anarchists of Andalusia, 1868-1903. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. <--Interesting observations about gender in the anarchist counterculture of the 19th century.
- - - (1977). "Other Scenarios: Women and Spanish Anarchism." Becoming Visible: Women in European History. Ed. Renate Bridenthal and Claudia Koonz. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. 402-421.
- - - (1971). "Spanish Anarchism and Women's Liberation." Journal of Contemporary History 6.2: 101-110.
Kornegger, Peggy (1996). "Anarchism: The Feminist Connection." Reinventing Anarchy, Again. Ed. Howard J. Ehrlich. Edinburgh, Scotland. 156-168.
Kröger, Marianne (1997). "Von Berlin ins Exil nach Barcelona: Etta Federn (1883-1951) und die anarchosyndikalistische Frauenbewegung in Deutschland und Spanien zwischen 1920 und 1938." Ariadne 32: 44-50.
Laurin-Frenette, Nicole (1982). "On the Women's Movement, Anarchism and the State." Our Generation 15:2: 27-39.
Leeder, Elaine J. (1980). "Feminism as Anarchist Process." Social Anarchism 1: 49-54.
- - - (1993). The Gentle General Rose Pesotta, Anarchist and Labor Organizer. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
- - - (1996). "Let Our Mothers Show the Way." Reinventing Anarchy, Again. Ed. Howard J. Ehrlich. Edinburgh, Scotland. 142-148.
- - - (1992). "The Making of an Anarchist Feminist." Social Anarchism 17: 23-26.
- - - (1994). Review of Free Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emacipation of Women by Martha A. Ackelsberg. Social Anarchism 19: 70-74.
- - - (1985). "Rose Pesotta: the Gentle Warrior." Social Anarchism 8/9: 36-43.
- - - , and David Koven (1986). "Rose Pesotta -- An Exchange." Social Anarchism 11: 76-78.
Leite, Miriam Lifchitz (1984). A Outra Face do Feminismo: Maria Lacerda Moura. São Paulo: Ática.
Léo, André [Victoire Léodile Béra] (1990). La Femme et les Mœurs. Tusson: Le Lérot Editeur.
- - - (2005). Écrits politiques. Paris: Dittmar.
Leighton, Marian (1990). "Anarcho-Feminism and Louise Michel." Our Generation 21.2: 22-29.
Marestan, Jean (1934). "Féminisme." Encyclopédie anarchsite. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale. 804-805.
Marsh, Margaret S. (1978) "The Anarchist-Feminist Response to the 'Woman Question' in Late Nineteenth-Century America." American Quarterly 30.4: 533-47.
- - - (1981). Anarchist Women, 1870-1920. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Merithew, Caroline Waldron (2002). "Anarchist Motherhood: Toward the Making of a Revolutionary Proletariat in Illinois Coal Towns." Women, Gender, and Transnational Lives: Italian Workers of the World. Ed. Donna R. Gabaccia and Franca Iacovetta. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 229-246. <--Rather amazing account of Italian anarchist workers' communities in northern Illinois circa 1900 -- and the women's organized revolt against the sexism and complacency of their male comrades.
Meyerding, Jane (1994). "Life as She is Lived: A Meditation on Gender, Power, and Change." Social Anarchism 19: 5-27.
Molyneux, Maxine (1997). "Ni Dios, ni Patrón, Ni Marido!: Feminismo anarquista en la Argentina del siglo XIX." La Voz de la Mujer: Periódico comunista-anárquico, 1896-1897. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. ??-??. <--Reprinted in Maxine Molyneux and Jaqueline Cruz, Movimientos de mujeres en América Latina: estudio teórico comparado (Madrid: Cátedra, 2003): 25-60.
- - - (1986). "No God, No Boss, No Husband: Anarchist Feminism in Nineteenth-Century Argentina." Latin American Perspectives 13.1: 119-145.
Montseny, Federica (1951). El problema de los sexos. Toulouse: Universo.
- - - (1927). "La mujer, problema del hombre." La Revista Blanca 2.89: ??-??.
Moody, Thomas E. (1990). "Anarchism and Feminism." Journal of Social Philosophy 21.2-3:160-173.
Moura, Maria Lacerda de (1932). "A Mulher e uma degenerada". Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira.
- - - (1933). Serviço militar obrigatorio para a mulher? Recuso-me! Denuncio! São Paulo: A Sementeira.
Mümken, Jürgen (2001). "Gender trouble im Anarchismus und Anarchafeminismus."
Muñez Orgaz, Adela (1987). "Evolución del trabajo femenino en el anarquismo (1870-1900)." El trabajo de las mujeres, siglos XVI-XX. Ed. María Jesús Vara and Virginia Maquieira D'Angelo. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Seminario de Estudios de la Mujer. 275-288.
N., Marti (1978). "Le féminisme en question." La lanterne noire 11: ??-??.
Nash, Mary, ed. (1975). Mujeres Libres. Barcelona: Tusquets Editores. <--Anthology of writings published in the journal of the Mujeres Libres.
- - - (1975). "Dos intelectuales anarquistas frente al problema de la mujer: Federica Montseny y Lucía Sánchez Saornil." Convivium 44-5: 71-99.
- - - (1995). Defying Male Civilization. Denver: Arden Press.
Nicholas, Lucy (2007). Approaches to gender, power and authority in contemporary anarcho-punk: poststructuralist anarchism? eSharp Issue 9.
Noja Ruiz, Higinio (1915). Algo sobre el feminismo. Sevilla: ??.
"Nosotras." (1987) Suplemento. Centro de Estudios y Trabajo de la Mujer (CETM), Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Occhipinti, Maria. Una donna libera. Ed. Gianni Grassi. Palermo: Sellerio editore, 2004.
Parsons, Lucy E. (2004). Freedom, Equality & Solidarity: Writings & Speeches, 1878-1937. Ed. Gale Ahrens. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr.
Pelletier, Madeleine (1934). "Féminisme." Encyclopédie anarchsite. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale. 804-805.
Pesotta, Rose (1987). Bread Upon the Waters. Ed. John Nicholas Beffel. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press.
Pinkow, Linda C. (1989). Review of Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by Bell Hooks. Social Anarchism 14: 76-78.
Pons, Agustí (1977). Converses amb Federica Montseny. Barcelona: Editorial Laia.
Raddeker, Hélène Bowen (2001). "Anarcho-Feminist Discourse in Prewar Japan: Itô Noe's Autobiographical Social Criticism." Anarchist Studies 9.2: 97-125. <--Abstract: "The paper looks at works written by Ito Noe (1895-1923), concentrating particularly on those published late in her life. In it I argue that individualistic or egoistic anarchism informed her construction of her Self in these essays about love, marriage and the family; conditioned her ultimate feminist standpoint; and also contributed to the form in which she wrote. Her gender, her feminism and her radical individualism, I contend, converged to render it well-nigh inevitable that the style in which she wrote social criticism would be intimately personal (-political) or autobiographical. The paper begins with a brief account of the early twentieth-century anarchist and feminist movements. I then set the scene for a discussion of Ito's egoism by commenting on Japanese state policies toward women from the late nineteenth-century and on the hegemonic ideal of the 'good wife, wise mother.' After offering a reading of Ito's egoistic feminist resistance to this, particularly in narratives or essays focused on her 'free love' partnership, I end with some reflections on the relation to the liberal-humanist genre of autobiography of her 'out-law' autobiographical style."
- - - (2002). "Resistance to Difference: Sexual Equality and its Law-ful and Out-law (Anarchist) Advocates in Imperial Japan." Intersections 7.
- - - (1997). Treacherous Women of Imperial Japan: Patriarchal Fictions, Patricidal Fantasies. London and New York: Routledge. <--Focus on anarchist-feminists Kanno Suga and Kaneko Fumiko.
Robson, Ruthann (1985). Review of Love, Anarchy, and Emma Goldman by Candace Falk. Social Anarchism 10 : 54-56.
- - - (1985). Review of Pure Lust by Mary Daly. Social Anarchism 8/9: 69-71.
Rodrigo, Antonina (2002). Amparo Poch y Gascón. Textos de una médica libertaria. Zaragoza: Alcaraván.
- - - (2002). Una mujer libre: Amparo Poch y Gascón: médica anarquista. Barcelona: Flor del Viento Ediciones.
Roussel, Nelly (1904) "Dernière résponse." Le Libertaire (Mar. 19): 3. <--Second exchange with Henri Duchemin.
- - - (1904). "Féminisme." Le Libertaire (Feb. 13): 2. <--Addressed to Henri Duchemin (a.k.a. Henri Duchmann).
Russell, Dora (1965). "The Eclipse of Woman." Anarchy 56: 289-302.
Sanchez Saornil, Lucia (2005). "The Question of Feminism." Trans. Paul Sharkey. Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas. Vol. 1, From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE to 1939). Ed. Robert Graham. Montréal: Black Rose Books. 460-465. <--Originally published 1935.
Shantz, J. (2004). "A Marriage of Convenience: Anarchism, Marriage and Borders." Feminism & Psychology 14.1: 181-186.
- - - (2002). "Judi Bari and 'The Feminization of Earth First!’: The Convergence of Class, Gender and Radical Environmentalism." Feminist Review 70.1: 105-122.
Sobstyl, Edrie (1999). "All the Sisters of Shora: An Anarcha/Ecofeminist Reading of Slonczewski's 'A Door Into Ocean.'" Anarchist Studies 7.2: 127-154.
Unwin, Harriet (1965). "The Best of Both Worlds." Anarchy 56: 302-310.
Valle Ferrer, Norma (2004). "Anarquismo y feminismo. La ideología de cuatro mujeres latinoamericanas de principios del siglo XX." Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña 9: ??-??.
- - - (2006). Luisa Capetillo, pioneer Puerto Rican feminist. New York: Peter Lang.
Vernet, Madeleine (1919). "La Masculinisation de la femme." La Mère éducatrice 2.7: 50-52.
- - - (1924). "La Politique et les femmes." La Mère éducatrice 7.5-6: 53-56.
- - - (1905). "Sur la question de la domesticité [I]." Le Libertaire (Dec. 3): 2.
- - - (1905). "Sur la question de la domesticité [II]." Le Libertaire (Dec. 10): 3.
- - - (1908). "Une question à Mme Madeleine Pelletier." Le Libertaire (July 26): ??.
Vicente Villanueva, Laura (2005). "Teresa Claramunt (1862-1931): propagadora de la causa de los oprimidos." Historia social 53: 31-46. 
Wright, Colin (1994). "Anarchism, Feminism and the Individual." Social Anarchism 19: ??-??. 

Iannello, Kathleen. P. (1993). “A Grassroots Approach to Change: Anarchist Feminism and Nonhierarchical Organization.” Women in Politics: Outsiders or Insiders? A Collection of Readings. Ed. Lois Lovelace Duke. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster. 291-300.

Kurin, Kytha (2004). “Anarcha-Feminism: Why the hyphen?”. Only A Beginning: An Anarchist Anthology. Ed. Allan Antliff. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press. 257-263.

Leeder, Elaine (2004). “Anarcha-Feminism: Moving Together”. Only A Beginning: An Anarchist Anthology. Ed. Allan Antliff. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press. 255-256.

Everything: Anarchist Feminist Magazine (1979-1985),  

As If (the Anarcho Surrealist Insurrectionary Feminist magazine) (1973)