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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Revolution in Conflict: Anti-Authoritarian Approaches to Resolving and Transforming Conflict and Harm zine (2008)

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This is a transcript of a recording of a workshop given at the 2008 NYC Anarchist Bookfair. The workshop title is Revolution in Conflict: Anti-Authoritarian Approaches to Resolving and Transforming Conflict and Harm.
This workshop explores anti-authoritarian approaches to conflict resolution and transformation, and takes a look at methods like mediation and restorative justice from an anarchist standpoint. While we consider the long-term relevance of these options (replacing functions currently carried out by the state "after the revolution"), the main focus is on strategies we can use immediately to resolve disputes within our personal and political communities, and to begin to decrease our dependence on the state for intervention in the aftermath of harm. It talks about the anarchist theoretical context for these strategies and about practical next steps in our communities for meeting our own conflict resolution and transformation needs.
The workshop, by the way, is fucking awesome.
Hear the original recording at:
http://zinelibrary.info/files/audio/1999-1-20080319-anti-authoritarian_a... (35.7 mb)
The workshop was presented Danielle, who is a founding member of the Rock Dove Collective, a radical community health project in New York City. She is currently designing a pilot Restorative Justice project that will serve as a conduit into alternatives to incarceration for serious and violent offenders. She also works with young men returning from Rikers Island, and has engaged in anti- violent, empowerment-based programs with 'at-risk' youth since she was one herself. She has taught creative writing in prisons and jails in Illinois, Georgia, and New York. While in Atlanta, she created a project to teach conflict resolution through the arts in 'inner city' schools and juvenile detention centers, and did extensive gang intervention work in her community. She is currently part of a collective that offers trainings in consensus and facilitation, and has mediated conflicts using a variety of approaches for everything from two-person to large-scale community disputes

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