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Friday, October 1, 2010

Liebig 34 Queer Anarcha-Feminist Collective

from http://liebig34.blogsport.de/indexenglish.html

Liebig 34 is a Queer Anarcha-Feminist Collective and Social Living House-project. Queer represents the deconstruction of normative concepts of masculinity and femininity, the seperation of the categories of sex and sexuality, the deconstruction of the binarism of hetero- and homosexuality and also for the acceptance of a sexual pluralism that also includes bisexuality, transsexuality, transgender, inter-sexual and gender queer broadening the limitations of gay and lesbian fixed identification. Anarcha-feminism strives for a realization of a freedom, for society and the individual, by demolishing every kind of authoritarian rule, where organization is shared equally, empowering the individual and the group. Also by showing alternatives to the traditional hetero- normative family structure, creating other forms of living together. Anarcha feminists are supporting seperatistic woman's organizations, but they do not oppose the cooperation with mixed groups. An anarchafeministic organisation is important, though the structure should be based on free will, it should not be hierarchical and the decision making should be based on the principle of consensus. The organisation contains sharing of work/tasks, rotation- principle, making internalised mechanisms of oppression visible and to encourage women to take certain tasks and acquire new skills. The living- and kultural project Liebig 34 is one of few houseprojects, that is exclusively inhabited by feminists who somehow define themselves as woman ( either because of biological sex , gender or both). At the moment 35 women are living in the house. Liebig 34 is inhabited by carpenters, tailors, medics, social workers, unemployed, designers, graphic artists, musicians, artists, students, photographers, physiotherapists, film-makers.... Coming from Switzerland, Austria, Finland, Norwey, Sweden, Italy, France, America, Latinamerica, Israel, Ireland, Germany, Portugal,.... Some only stay for a few months others live here for years. The house offers shelter of patriarchial oppression and the every day life sexism. The socialization of gender roles are disposed of within the collective allowing for a natural realization of the self for individuals The deconstruction of hierarchies between male and female or rather the aimed equality of people with different sexes does not mean the projection of male role models to women but rather the abolishment of sex specific division of labour and equal rights. Through the seperatistic living free of sexist normatives an atmosphere is created, in which feminists of every age can open up, develop and support each other in the process of emancipation.In form of workshops and working groups, we always try to strengthen and diversify the skills and talents of all of us. On the ground floor of Liebig34 there are the infoshop Daneben and the bar XB-Liebig.

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